Sunday, February 23, 2014

Nokia Lumia 630 is the record forward to the launch tomorrow

First thing tomorrow morning (8:30, Spanish time) is scheduled deNokia presentation at this MWC 2014. Although it seemed that we would see a new Windows Phone, the gende of evleaks has again come forward and reveal one of the products most likely be made official tomorrow. Is Nokia Lumia 630. 
An image, as is usual in evleaks, and name: Nokia Lumia 630. We can expect an evolution of the current 625 (also analyze) sharing with him many of the features, including 4G (one of the cheapest Lumia 4G) and as colorful covers made of polycarbonate. 
In little more than twelve hours of the event doors will open and there Nokia see what Microsoft has prepared us. evleaks not usually make mistakes in this type of release, so tomorrow we should know all details of the Lumia 630. By now the picture makes us think it will be a more innovative product continuity.

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