Thursday, February 27, 2014

FINALLY! Special 2500 pageviews: Top 10 trolls in internet final part

2. Bloodninja

Bloodninja trolled individuals, on IM and on private chats in IRC channels. The approach was this: entice people into cybersex, and then chat something so ludicrous that they just turn tail and log off. Sometimes, they would play along for some time, imagining that things would get better. The results were posted on forums, and screen captures were circulated as forwards. Other people started using the same handle, and some indulged in the same activity using different names. Bloodninja has faded away, despite the large number of impersonators, the genius of the original cybersex trolling stands out by a mile. This troll is immortalized in songs and t-shirts with his quotes are sold online, his most famous line is "I put on my robe and wizard hat". This one is one of our favorites:

j_gurli13: i start unbuttoning ur shirt.
Bloodninja: Rhinoceruses don't wear shirts.
j_gurli13: No, ur not really a Rhinocerus silly, it's just part of the game.
Bloodninja: Rhinoceruses don't play games. They f**king charge your a**.
j_gurli13: stop, cmon be serious.
Bloodninja: It doesn't get any more serious than a Rhinocerus about to charge your a**.
Bloodninja: I stomp my feet, the dust stirs around my tough skinned feet.
j_gurli13: thats it.
Bloodninja: Nostrils flaring, I lower my head. My horn, like some phallic symbol of my potent virility, is the last thing you see as skulls collide and mine remains the victor. You are now a bloody red ragdoll suspended in the air on my mighty horn.
Bloodninja: F**k am I hard now.

1. Anonymous

Anonymous is a bunch of random people on the web working together, with a whole bunch of extremely successful attacks that they can claim credit for. Thousands of users gather together under the banner, and they have a code, one of the central tenets of which is "Anon is Legion." Anonymous is the most active trolling community there is. There are a few Anonymous who make the tools, plan out the raids, and lay down the procedure. Everyone else simply follows them, and Anon's strength is in the numbers. The trolls gather together in a handful of online forums and image boards. These are ebaumsworld, something awful, and the chans (4chan, 7chan, 888chan among others). The tools are hosted at websites such as, where raids are mentioned along with the tools. What have these people done? They fixed the TIME magazine poll, for the personality of the year. Not only did they fix who won, but they also fixed the first 10 winners, spelling out the words MARBLECAKE, ALSO THE GAME. The list is official for everyone to see, and TIME could not do anything about it.
At first, Anonymous just wanted to put moot (the owner of 4chan) at the top of the list. This was easily achieved, without even scripts or any kind of coding involved. This was achieved by giving Moot high ratings, while rating everyone else as low as possible. TIME caught up, and shaved off the top 5% and bottom 5% of the votes from their counting system. This was a small challenge to the might of Anon, and they responded. Scripts were written that gave random values to everyone on the list, but with a certain target window in mind. Each person on the list was given a particular position on the list. Deployed from different IP addresses from around the world, there was nothing that TIME could do, but publish their obviously fixed poll.

Recently, Anonymous made #gorillapenis a trending topic on twitter in a span of a few hours. It started off as an idea; the whole operation was blamed on ebaumsworld, when it was actually 4chan that came up with the gameplan. While a bunch of people used #gorillapenis from their own twitter accounts, hosted scripts that allowed people to quickly create multiple twitter accounts, then spam with random text including the word "#gorillapenis". Twitter was (relatively) fast to act, and the trending topic was removed.

Another famous raid was a whole bunch of Anons posting porn clips on YouTube. Anon focused on spamming YouTube with a large quantity of small clips. As YouTube users began flagging offending clips, Anon started flagging perfectly normal clips as porn, which confused those managing YouTube even further. Then Anon pulled tricks like having a regular video play for the first few seconds before porn suddenly showed up.

These are however, just a few of the more recent trolling activity by anonymous. Rest assured that there is much more to come from at least this group.