Thursday, February 20, 2014

Special 2500 pageviews!: Top 10 trolls in internerd part 2/5

8. RBX

A lot of confused people with emotions already close to the surface open up on Yahoo! answers hoping that some kind hearted internet surfer will give them the answers to life's questions. In other words, perfect troll fodder asking for it. Naturally, what happens is, they bump into RBX, who gives them a politically incorrect, rude answer, which may actually work. Here is an example:

7. The Team Roomba Griefers

Trolls on online multiplayer games are called "griefers". Team Roomba is the most notorious clan when it comes to griefing. These are not the kind of griefers that have fun just causing meaningless trouble, or doing things against a strategy. Instead, they set up a room in a game in a certain way, and then turn it into something entirely different. For example, in this video (not safe for work, has loads of curses), the Team Roomba Griefers have set up a Team Fortress 2 room in such a way, that as soon as you enter, you have to answer a trivia question, and if you answer wrong, you are killed right away. They effectively transformed a massive online multiplayer first person shooter into a massive online multiplayer first person trivia quiz shooter, and the best thing was that players actually enjoyed it and were spawning into the room to be griefed!

HTC has prepared a big gamble by wereables, Bloomberg

HTC will smartwatch in Barcelona next week, according to Bloomberg. But it will be almost impossible to see because their idea is to show operators face to its release later this year. 
The product that will take the MWC 2014 would be advanced or smartwatch based clock technology Toq Qualcomm, ie with Mirasol screen and processor chip giant, and very focused on solving problems with the battery, one of the battles which according to Bloomberg sources are the main task of HTC device to have ready this year. It would also be a device able to play music via bluetooth.